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A Level Religious Studies Edexcel (Pearson)

A Level Religious Studies Edexcel

Dates Available

  • Week 1: Monday 25 March – Friday 29 March
  • Week 2: Monday 1 April – Friday 5 April
  • Week 3: Monday 8 April – Friday 12 April


Edexcel (Pearson) 9RS0

Length of Course

8 hour seminars


9am to 6pm daily

1: Philosophy of Religion

  • Religious Language: analogy and symbol; verification and falsification debates; language games
  • The work of scholars: critiques of religious belief; Russell and Copleston
  • Influences of developments in religious belief: life after death across religious traditions; religion and science

2: Religion and Ethics

  • Ethical Language: Meta-ethics; the relationship between religion and morality
  • Deontology, virtue ethics and the work of scholars (Kant, Aristotle)
  • Medical Ethics: beginning and ending of life issues

3: Study of Christianity

  • Social and historical developments: science; secularisation; new movements in theology
  • Works of scholars: Atonement theory; Karl Barth and John Hick
  • Religion and Society: Pluralism and diversity; equality and discrimination – gender

If any candidates require the A level AQA or OCR (reformed), they should contact the college.

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