Student Success Stories
"I felt great about my results. It shows the hard work I have put in throughout the two years of my A level education. Everyone at the college, including the Principal, tutors, personal tutors, and the librarian create a comfortable environment for students to study. The tutors are always forthcoming with advice, highlighting specific areas I should approach carefully in my weekly Timed Assignments and final examinations. The Timed Assignments allowed me to review my revision progress on a weekly basis which also helped me build create and refine my revision plan. My Personal Tutor was really helpful in ensuring I stayed on track with my studies, meeting regularly to discuss my progress and the challenges I faced in my time at the college."
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A*AA Progressed to: University of Warwick to read Economics
" The focus and drive of the college was inspiring and self-motivation was heavily encouraged. MPW was far more of a steppingstone to university than my previous school. The weekly Timed Assignments were the most valuable part of my study at MPW. It kept my pace and motivation high throughout the year and, as my tutors encouraged me to revise every topic for each weekly TA, effectively acted as final exam preparation from the beginning of the year. I could track my progress and immediately adjust my exam technique week by week. "
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A*A Progressed to: study History and International Relations at King's College, London.
" What stands out about MPW from other schools is the support that you receive from the college. Their support means that you can focus on your studies without worry which helped me achieve better grades throughout my year at MPW. The encouraging and positive environment at MPW combined with the weekly Timed Assignments helped to build up my confidence and I found that I was achieving grades that I could be proud of. "
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A Progressed to: study Medicine at The University of Southampton
"I received great support from my tutors at MPW. The weekly Timed Assignments were excellent in helping me track my progress and ensuring that I consistently pushed myself to get the grades I needed. My Personal Tutor supported me throughout my application to study Medicine, helping me draft my personal statement multiple times and guiding me through mock interview and MMI scenarios."
Grades achieved at MPW: A*AA Progressed to: study Medicine at the University of Nottingham.
"MPW offered me a more personalised approach to my A Levels, with smaller class sizes and weekly meetings with my Personal Tutor who reviewed my performances in Timed Assignments and lessons. My Personal Tutor also guided me through my UCAS application, as well as make sure I kept on top of my revision with weekly timed study sessions in the Learning Rescource Centre. I also felt that the weekly Timed Assignments helped me to constantly review parts of the specification for each subject throughout the year, as well as make me feel more comfortable in exam conditions."
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A* Progressed to: Modern Language and Business & Management at the University of Manchester.
" The small classes allowed me to constantly ask questions which was especially helpful . The weekly Timed Assignments were very useful for getting used to the exam format whilst helping to keep track of progress. My Personal Tutor was very supporting and eager to answer all questions I have which was invaluable in my university application"
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A*A* Progressed to: study Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Oxford
"The best part about studying at MPW is the friendly, encouraging and supportive classroom environment that MPW provides. It makes asking for help and reaching your potential easy and enjoyable. The college really helps students to believe in themselves. The Personal Tutor system is great because it is available for you to use to whatever extent you might need whether that be having weekly meetings or meeting every now and then for a quick catch up to analyse my current progress. The weekly Timed Assignments have also enabled me to build my confidence in the build up to my exams. They help you to feel comfortable in an exam environment, as well as enable you to consolidate the material you need to recall in the final exams"
Grades achieved at MPW: AAA Progressed to: Dentistry at Leeds University
"I joined MPW because I wanted to be part of a close knit community that focuses on helping students attain the grades they are really capable of. Each student is assigned a Personal Tutor who assists them in all aspects of student life. I would recommend the individual and personally tailored care given to any student looking to expand their academic horizons. The encouragement and support has allowed me to aim high and achieve results that I had previously thought weren't possible. "
Grades achieved at MPW: A*A*A*A*A Progressed to: Mathematics at Oxford University
"I chose MPW because of the academic support provided by the college, which was instrumental in helping me throughout the challenging nature of my one-year A level courses. The weekly Timed Assignments and assistance provided by the Personal Tutor system helped me in areas I had previously struggled. Playing for the college football team was a great release from the challenging academic nature of the year and it helped me build friendships with other students in the college."
Grades achieved at MPW: AAA* Progressed to: Business Management at Exeter University
"Having not achieved the grades I wanted or needed in my A levels at my previous college I decided that retaking would be the best option for me. I have found the small classes at MPW to be a real asset, and that, coupled with the fantastic teaching, has certainly enabled me to grow academically. Further to this, both the academic support and the university guidance provided by the college have been exceptional."
Grades achieved at MPW: A*AB Progressed to: Exeter University to study International Relations and History
“Getting into…’ University Guides
Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. MPW’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, MPW Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.