Course Length
Two years (or one year depending on individual circumstances).
The course
Psychology is the study of mind, brain and behaviour. This course will appeal to students who enjoy exploring issues with regard to how and why people behave the way they do, and who enjoy planning and carrying out investigations. Prospective students should be aware that Psychology is not an easy option. At GCSE level an introduction to core theories, concepts and research studies is provided, together with an understanding and appreciation of the scientific nature of Psychology, and of the relationship between the subject and its application to contemporary society.
Students receive 3 hours of tuition per week. The subject material is taught across all three terms. The summer term, though, focuses more on revision and examination techniques. Regular timed assignments and homework mean that students consolidate their knowledge and understanding.
What skills do I need?
You will need a curiosity to learn about the natural world and a desire to gain insight into how science works and of its relevance to everyday lives. Investigative, mathematical and English language skills will all be necessary to achieve highly in this subject.
How is the course assessed?
The course is divided into two parts:
Paper 1 – Cognition and Behaviour – looks at:
- Memory
- Perception
- Development
- Research methods
Paper 2 – Social Context and Behaviour – looks at:
- Social influence
- Language, thought and communication
- Brain and neuropsychology
- Psychological problems
The course is examined by two written papers. Each paper lasts 1 hour 45 minutes. Both papers are worth 50% of the total marks for this course.
(provided by college)
AQA Psychology for GCSE
By Cara Flanagan, Dave Berry, Mark Jones
Published by Illuminate Publishing ISBN 9781911208044
Exam Board and Specification Codes
AQA Psychology 8182
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