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A Level

A Level Courses

MPW offers the widest range of A level provision in the UK, with ambitious students joining a number of routes:

  • Two year courses
  • One year courses
  • Full year retake courses
  • Short retake courses
  • Two-Year Courses

Two-Year Courses

Our largest category – the majority of A level students at MPW are studying on the basis of two-year A level courses.

Two-year courses are designed for:

  • Students who are continuing at MPW after GCSE.
  • Students from other schools seeking a specialist A level college after GCSEs.
  • Year 13 transfer students who have changed plans after an unsatisfactory first year of A level at another school. Depending on their academic progress up to the point of joining MPW, such students either repeat Year 12 or join MPW’s Year 13.

Read more about Two-Year Courses

One-Year Courses

Our most varied category – self-contained courses for students who have previous experience of sixth-form work. They cover the whole syllabus in one year and are run entirely separately from the second year of our two-year A level course.

One-year courses are designed for:

  • Transfer students from other schools who continue into Year 13 or take one year intensive.
  • Retake students whose previous grade in the subject is too weak to risk a short course
  • Retake students taking a brand new subject (to widen UCAS options, give fresh motivation and avoid ‘retake status’ in at least one subject making them more attractive to universities).
  • Mature students – especially those converting to Medicine following an Arts-based first degree.

Read more about One-Year Courses

Retake Courses

MPW offers retake courses over two different start date/course duration combinations:

Retake Courses

One-year courses for students who have fallen substantially short of their target grades and who require thorough revision of multiple units (often over more than one subject).

Short retake courses

Start dates in January for students who have narrowly missed their target grades and/or require retakes of only a small number of selected units. These courses suit students wishing to pursue gap-year activities for part of the year.



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