Parent Comments
“I just wanted to let you know that this year has been a total success for K at MPW. K did always struggle at school before and never enjoyed the education system to the point that university wasn’t an option for her. Now, she absolutely adores going to college, she is confident, working all the time and she wants to go to university. She even said to me a week ago that she didn’t want the year to end as she will miss school life. I want to take this opportunity to thank you and the rest of MPW team for making K’s year a great one.” Mother of a one-year A level student
“We just wanted to let you know how thrilled we are with J’s results. They exceeded all our expectations and we can’t believe what a difference her year at MPW has made. Thank you for all of your help and support. We would also like to send on our thanks to all of J’s Maths teachers. To improve her grade so much in a year is fantastic and she certainly found the MPW method of teaching really suited her. J has also loved her Gap Year experiences, doing her ski season and travelling around SE Asia. It is wonderful that she was able to do these and still achieve such wonderful grades. What a difference a year can make!” Mother of a split-year short retake student
“I wanted to write to personally thank you for supporting M with her studies over the last year. As you may know M was accepted at Kings College London to read English Language and Communications. My wife and I are very proud of her achievement. Whilst M put in genuine effort, your tuition and support was absolutely key. Not only did you provide expert guidance in the subject content but you made lessons enjoyable, fun and hugely interesting. This combination together with the excellent rapport and relationship you built with M, played a significant part in her success. My wife and I are also pleased that M’s academic and social confidence improved vastly during her time at MPW. She now has a far greater belief in her own abilities – something that will, no doubt, hold her in good stead as she moves through university.” Father of a one-year A level student
“I am so delighted to write and to offer my heartfelt thanks to you for all that you did for my daughter when she was admitted to MPW last year. The day we met you at the college were both so devastated and helpless but you so warmly welcomed us and with your encouragement together with the assistance from her teachers she is now going to university in September to read Law after her brilliant results.” Parents of a one-year A level student
“She really loves it. She can’t believe how friendly all the students are. Yesterday some of them took her down to the Common Room and introduced her to lots of their friends. She has reported back that the students are much more serious about their work and that also the tutors are teaching at much greater depth. She appreciates how helpful the Economics and French tutors are- and really likes them as people.” Parent of a two-year A level student
“My first impression of how much efficiency, care and individual attention you paid to my daughter’s needs and wishes was confirmed and enhanced throughout the entire year she spent with you. It was not an easy year, going back to school when all her friends were either at university or doing a gap year. She had her ups and downs but her teachers never let her slip. They were firm, encouraging and caring. Most importantly, she came to realise that all teaching is only an offer but that it is HER responsibility to embrace and process what is given to her. It was learning for life!” Parents of a one-year A level student
“J just came to me to say how happy he is at MPW … that the teachers are great. He is committed to working hard and learning from the study skills seminars. What is also interesting is that so many friends and family members have commented positively on how J seems so happy, comfortable and like his old self. Thank you. To create and work hard at an academic environment where students are happy, settled and thriving as individuals is a huge achievement.” Parents of a GCSE student
“Obviously we are very pleased with C’s results and above all so is he. He is a completely different person walking on cloud 9 with his confidence totally restored. He often mentions how much he is going to miss MPW, how good the teaching was and how much he learnt while he was there. We are so grateful” Parent of a one-year A level student
“A momentous day for me and C as she comes to the end of her secondary education. Thank you for all your support and encouragement to both me and C over the past two years. You have gone beyond your responsibilities in supporting C in equipping her with study techniques, career advice and pastoral counselling. I am very grateful to you, the long hours that you have spent in keeping C on track and the time you have spent with me to ensure that we are aligned in our approach. It has been a pleasure.” Parent of a two-year A level student
“I cannot say thank MPW enough for all the college has done for my son. The teaching has been excellent and what has made all the difference has been the support from the Personal Tutor who really connected with him. A year ago, we had a very dejected son whose confidence had been hit hard, but now he has a place at his first choice university and is flying!” Parent of a one-year A level student
“I don’t have words to thank the tutors for their ongoing support of my son; without their help and encouragement I don’t think he could have done it. His tutor not only enabled him to cope with exams and the university application process, but kept me going as well whenever I was down in the dumps. I just wish there were more teachers like those at MPW. Thank you once again from our whole family.” Parent of a two-year A level student
“Being at MPW has been a really positive experience for my daughter and I cannot praise the college enough. Her brother came here the previous year so we knew we could trust the quality of education and support. She came for a one year A level course to retake Mathematics and Biology. Although her previous A level grades would have enabled her to attend a different university, she had her heart set on Law at LSE and at MPW they supported her determination to reach for the stars. My daughter never accepted other people’s views that her grades were good enough and she has found at MPW that individual approach to learning and encouragement to gain the top grades. She had attended an Easter revision course and was extremely impressed with the small groups and focus on the way that she learned best. With excellent guidance from her Personal Tutor who is also the Principal, she has gained her coveted place at LSE. As with her brother, the year at MPW has been a real maturing process, preparing her for the greater independence of university.” Parent of a one-year A level student
“The level of support offered to my son during his time at MPW Birmingham has been tremendous. He has really enjoyed learning and the detailed careers advice he has received has enabled him to gain entry onto a course that he was really passionate about” Parent of a two-year A level student
“What we have always been impressed with is the class sizes that MPW offers. My daughter was in a group of three students for English and six for Chemistry and Biology. There is no doubt in my mind that this level of individual attention in class helped to secure grades much higher than she would otherwise have achieved.” Parent of a two-year A level student
“My daughter really enjoyed her time at MPW and left with fantastic grades. I was always able to call the college and speak to her Personal Tutor to find out about her grades and how she was progressing. This really reassured me that she was on the right track with her studies. She is now at university and is flourishing as a result of the skills she developed while she was at the college” Parent of a two-year A level student
“Both my husband and I have been very impressed by our daughter’s experiences at MPW. It is a well organised school which is flexible. I never had a problem getting in contact with her Personal Tutor. She received a lot of support and the weekly Timed Assignments really helped her. I have no hesitation in recommending MPW” Parent of a one-year A level student
‘As parents, we are immensely grateful for your unwavering help and support of our son over the last year. This has enabled him to achieve what we initially considered Mission Impossible. We feel, that as a dedicated team at MPW, you have helped him to realise his full potential and what he is really capable of. We cannot thank you enough. His excellent results have not only exceeded our expectations, but have opened many new opportunities for him. We have no doubt that this is due in large part to you and his talented committed teachers.’ Parents of a two-year A level student
‘Thank you very much for steering our son through to University. Not the easiest of students I would imagine – and given his intelligence very frustrating at times. You handled him perfectly. And coped with dad too who was a little like a blunderbuss at times I feel. He’s now got a new start and a chance to shine.’ Parents of a two-year A level course student
‘Keep pinching myself that this really is happening that our lovely son did this and he worked so hard. He became a different person while attending MPW the last year with all his lovely personality and attitude showing through.’ Parents of a GCSE student
‘We are absolutely thrilled with our son’s A level results. MPW has proved to be the best place for him this past year. I have seen his attitude change – he has become much more enthusiastic about his subjects and confident in his abilities. He has had some difficult health and personal issues to deal with and MPW has without doubt played a big part in keeping him encouraged and focused. He is now looking forward to studying at his first choice of university, something that he didn’t think was attainable a year ago. Thank you to all the staff at MPW.’ Parent of a one-year A level student
‘He is blown away with his results! Our thanks go to his Personal Tutor and all his teachers for the excellent support he has had all this year. The whole MPW experience has been such a positive time, boosting his confidence and repairing some of the damage of past difficult times as well as helping him get the grades he needed! UCAS have confirmed his place at his first choice of university. Thank you once again for everything.’ Parent of a one-year A level student
‘When our daughter joined MPW a year ago, becoming a medic was just a dream; we now owe you and your colleagues an enormous debt for all you did to enable her to get the required grades. Her achievement in getting an A* in Chemistry is stunning and it would not have been possible without your dedicated, professional teaching and personal support.’ Parents of a one-year A level student
“We would like to say a big thank you to all of you at MPW for giving our son the confidence in himself to believe and to realise that he is a capable young man. You have encouraged him to aim higher and not to just be satisfied with the lowest grade.” Parents of a two-year A level student
“I want to let you know how wonderful my son’s teachers at MPW were. They were both interesting, encouraging and supportive teachers and he could not have hoped for a higher standard of tuition nor for a more congenial and helpful learning environment.”Parent of a one-year A Level student
“Our son has just graduated from university with first class honours… We are all so thrilled and wanted to thank MPW for teaching him how to work and for helping to get to university in the first place.” Parents of a two-year A level student
“We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your staff. Under the expert guidance of your team and in particular his Personal Tutor, he has flourished. He is now more confident and self-assured, aware that he has a place in the world. Achieving his first choice university place has made him ‘10 feet tall’… We are so grateful to you for helping him achieve this.” Parents of a one-year A Level student
“You played a huge part in getting our daughter to university, we could not have asked for a better Personal Tutor. Thank you very much for all your hard work.” Parents of a one-year A Level student
“I thought I might take a moment to write to thank you for all the support, encouragement and enthusiasm that you and the college provided to my son during his time at MPW. We are very pleased with the way he developed in his time with you; both from an academic perspective, and in his personal development, evident through his increase in confidence. I would like to pass on my heartfelt thanks to his subject tutor also, who made the subject most enjoyable and rewarding.” Parent of a one-year A level student
“Getting into…’ University Guides
Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. MPW’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, MPW Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.