Summer School
Booking Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions
1.1 The College
Mander Portman Woodward Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England with company number 01280778 whose registered office is at 90-92 Queen’s Gate, London, SW7 5AB (MPW)
1.11 Summer School Director: means the person responsible for the management of the Summer School.
1.2 The Summer School or Us or We:
Means the combined programme of academic courses, social activities, excursions (etc.) offered by the College as MPW Summer School.
1.3 The Application Form: means the Application Form provided by the Summer School for the purpose of booking a place for the Student at the Summer School.
1.4 Course: means the course of study to be undertaken by the Student as selected by the Parent on the Application Form.
1.5 Offer Letter: means the letter sent by the College confirming acceptance of the Application Form and offering a place on the Summer School.
1.6 Course Fees: means the Fees payable by the Parent for the Course.
1.7 The Parent or You: means the person who has submitted the application form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at this Summer School. This may include agent representatives acting on parents’ or guardians’ behalf.
1.8 Student: means the child named on the Application Form and/or the child who attends the Summer School.
1.9 Centre Manager: means the person responsible for the day-to-day management of each Summer School College location (London or Cambridge).
1.10 Airport Transfer Service: means the airport transfer service arranged and organised by the Summer School only and any additionally requested transfer services, such as airside assistance or unaccompanied minor service.
2. Scope and Limitations
2.1 These Terms and Conditions are the basis of any contract between the College and the Parents. Said contract is subject to the laws and courts of England and Wales.
2.2: These Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to the services provided by the College and its staff in its delivery of the Summer School.
3. Enrolment
3.1 The Parent must request a place for the Student by completing the online application form. Once an online application has been submitted, the request will be reviewed and a place either offered or rejected.
3.1.1 An application is not a confirmation of place. A place is only confirmed upon condition of all terms, minimum English requirement and fees being met and accepted; and written confirmation being received by the Parent from the Summer School.
3.2 Once a completed application form is received by the Summer School,
We will issue an Offer Letter to the Parent. The Offer Letter will set out the amount of the deposit fee when the course fees are to be paid and any conditions that the Student is required to fulfil before joining the Summer School.
3.2.1 The offer letter is valid for four weeks. Extension of the offer is subject to availability of space and with written acknowledgement from Summer School Director.
3.3 Once a place has been offered, a non- refundable £350 deposit fee (or full fees are due, if less than 6 weeks before the start date of each course) in order to secure a place on the Summer School.
3.3.1 Full fees are due no later than 6 weeks before the start date of each course.
3.4 Visa letters will only be issued once the deposit has been received. There are no exceptions to this as it is a Compliance stipulation.
3.5 The Summer School will provide the confirmation of enrolment to the Parent once the deposit or Course Fees are paid and once any conditions set out in the Offer Letter have been fulfilled.
3.6 If You do not pay the Course Fees in full by the date specified in the Offer Letter or if the conditions set out in the Offer Letter are not fulfilled the Summer School reserves the right to cancel the booking immediately by notifying You in writing. If this occurs the Summer School will not refund the £350 deposit fee.
3.7: Reserved places and fees paid are not transferable; they only apply to the Student named during the initial submission of the Application Form.
4. Cancellations, Exclusions and Refunds
4.1 Cancellation policy: If You need to cancel the Course for any reason before it begins, You must inform the Summer School in writing immediately. Cancellation takes effect from the date when the Summer School receives this notification and acknowledges it.
The following refunds will apply:
4.1.1 63 days (7 weeks) or more prior to Course start date, full refund of Course Fees, less £350 non- refundable deposit fee.
4.1.2 35 days (5 weeks) to 62 days prior to Course start date 75% of Course Fees refunded, if paid, less £350 non-refundable deposit fee.
4.1.3 15 to 34 days prior to Course start date 50% of Course Fees refunded, if paid, less £350 non-refundable deposit fee.
4.1.4 0 to 14 days prior to Course start date No refund.
4.1.5 In case of visa refusal, the Parent or You must share the UKVI refusal letter with the Summer School for review. If the visa refusal is caused by the applicant’s mistake, there will be no deposit or fee refund.
4.1.6 Places are strictly for the specified booking date and are not eligible to be deferred, except in extenuating circumstances where written evidence can be supplied to substantiate the reason.
4.2 Cancellation periods: The cancellation periods detailed in clause 4.1 will begin to run from the day after the date on which the Parent receives the Offer Letter.
4.3 Early departure: Once the Course has started if the Parent decides to withdraw the Student from the Summer School, or if the Student withdraws him/herself before the end of the Course, the Parent may do so on the understanding that no refund of Course Fees will be made, save in exceptional circumstances and at the sole discretion of the Summer School Director. Exceptional circumstances may include but are not limited to:
4.3.1 a serious breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Summer School;
4.3.2 cases of serious illness or genuine hardship.
4.4 Minimum number of bookings: The College may cancel a Summer School course, or element thereof, if total enrolments are insufficient to guarantee commercial viability. In such cases a full refund will be offered. If such cancellation is necessary, The Parent will be offered a full refund of all Course Fees paid at the date of cancellation, including the deposit fee.
4.5 Changes to the booking: The Summer School agrees that You may request to change the Student’s course booking and agrees to consider such requests subject to the availability of the relevant dates or Course. The requested change shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Summer School Director. Please note that the Summer School resources the courses according to the number of bookings and it will not be possible to refund Course Fees if You request a reduction in the Course content.
4.6 Changes to the Course: The Summer School reserves the right to make changes to the Course (including any change to the timetable or the hours required for the Course) and other activities at any time and for such reasons as may be reasonable and appropriate to the effective and safe delivery of services by the Summer School. The Summer School will endeavour to provide notice of a change and the reason for it as soon as practicable.
4.7 Force Majeure: An event beyond the reasonable control of the parties to this agreement is a Force Majeure Event. Such events include but are not limited to any worldwide event or act of God (such as war, disease outbreak, natural disaster, or terrorist attack). The Summer School reserves the right to cancel the Summer School in the event of a Force Majeure Event and the Parent understands that:
4.7.1 If the Summer School is prevented from or delayed in carrying out its obligations under this agreement by a Force Majeure Event, it shall immediately notify the Parent and shall be excused from performing its obligations while the Force Majeure Event continues.
4.7.2 If the Summer School is cancelled because of a Force Majeure event or if the Parents do not accept a different course offered, the Summer School will refund any Course Fees paid. If the Course has commenced the refund will be pro- rated to reflect the amount of time the Student has attended.
4.8 Complaints: If You are not happy with any aspect of the Summer School service, You (The Parent) must immediately inform the Summer School so that it has the opportunity to investigate and rectify the situation.
4.8.1 If the Student has a problem or concern, he/she must speak to the Summer School Centre Manager or Summer School Staff immediately in order for them to deal with the problem.
4.8.2 If the problem is not resolved promptly by Summer School staff, the Student or Parent should raise this with the Summer School Director.
5. Health & Welfare
5.1 Safeguarding: The Summer School and the College are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students. All Summer School staff are required to undergo child protection screening and training, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
5.2 Student’s health: By completing and returning the Application Form, the Parent confirms that the Student is in good physical and mental health and is not travelling against the advice of any doctor or qualified healthcare professional. The Parent confirms the Student can participate in all aspects of it without the need for specialist aid or care.
5.3 Health information: You agree to inform the Summer School when completing the Application Form and subsequent medical consent form prior to arrival, if the Student suffers from any pre-existing medical condition, disability, or allergy or if there is anything else that the Summer School needs to be aware of in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the Student. Failure to provide this information could result in the removal of the student from the summer programme with no refund of course fees. You (The Parent) agree that in such situations, it is the responsibility of the Parent to arrange for an appropriate person to collect the Student from the College premises.
5.4 Medication: You agree that any medicine brought to the Summer School by the Student will be given to the Summer School staff on arrival to the Summer School accommodation. The Summer School shall only accept responsibility for medicines which are prescribed by a doctor, and which are accompanied by English translation. Failure to provide this information could result the removal of the student from the summer programme with no refund of course fees. You ( The Parent) agree that in such situations, it is the responsibility of the Parent to arrange for an appropriate person to collect the Student from the College premises.
5.5 Storage of medication: Such medication referred to in clause 5.4 above shall be properly stored and administered by the Summer School staff, or by any suitably qualified person who is expressly authorised to administer medicines by the Summer School Director or Centre Manager.
5.6 Emergency medical treatment: You authorise the Summer School to consent on your behalf to the Student receiving emergency medical treatment where certified by an appropriately qualified person as necessary for the Student’s welfare and if You (the Parent) cannot be contacted in time.
6. Student Behavior
6.1 Summer School rules: You warrant that the Student will at all times, when in the care of the College follow the Summer School rules on behaviour and discipline as set out by the Summer School Centre Manager, the Summer School pre- arrival information and in communication with the Summer School Team prior to arrival. The Parent should ensure that You and the Student have read the College and Summer School rules. These are available on request prior to arrival.
6.2 Discipline and sanctions: If the Student does not follow the Summer School rules, You (the Parent) agree that the Summer School may discipline them and/or impose a sanction. Parents understand and agree that:
6.2.1 In cases of persistent misbehavior, breaking of Summer School rules, for very serious incidents, or if the Student breaks UK law, including, but not limited to underage drinking and drug use, then he/she will be removed from the Summer School immediately, with no refund of course fees. In such situations, it is the responsibility of the Parent to arrange for an appropriate person to collect the Student from the College premises and to also arrange onward travel.
6.3 No Smoking: The Summer School is a no smoking and vaping area and when We confirm your booking, we do so on the understanding that You (The Parent) agree that the Student does not smoke or vape at any time while at the Summer School. Smoking in the school or in the accommodation will result in removal from the programme, with no refund of course fees.
6.4 Damage: The full cost of repairing any damage caused by the Student to the Summer School accommodation, College, property, or equipment, or to the personal property of another student, will be charged to the Parent. The Parent agrees that such payments to repair damage caused will be made by the Parent in full.
6.5 Personal Belongings: The Student is responsible for the security and safety of all personal belongings and cash that they bring with them to the Summer School. The College is not responsible for the loss and/or damage to any personal belongings.
6.5.1 The Summer School will collect the Student’s passport on arrival and return on departure. This applies to residential Summer School students.
6.6 Searching:
If Summer School staff suspects that the Student has broken Summer School rules or has been involved in any illegal activity, the Student may be questioned, and the Student’s accommodation or belongings may be searched under appropriate circumstances. Summer School staff may carry out room checks intermittently throughout the summer under appropriate circumstances to ensure appropriate levels of tidiness are being maintained. Repeated failures to meet the required standard of tidiness will result in a student being sanctioned.
All cases where we have reasonable cause to suspect a student is in possession of or has taken illegal drugs will be investigated. Such investigations are likely to involve a drugs test, a search of the student’s room and possessions and confiscation of suspicious items found.
7. Transport
7.1 Transport: You agree that the Summer School will use private transport such as Coach, Taxi or Minibus to transport the Student for the purposes of Airport Transfers, off-site trips, excursions and other activities as required. Public transport such as trains, tubes, and local buses will be used when this method of transport is considered to be more appropriate, efficient, or effective.
7.2 Airport Transfers: In order to secure an Airport Transfer Service with the Summer School, You agree to submit the Student’s arrival and departure flight details and pay the airport transfer fee at least 14 days prior to the course start date. Airport Transfer Fees can be found here.
7.2.1 If you cancel a requested Airport Transfer Service within 14 days of the course start date, there is no refund of any Airport Transfer Service fees paid (if applicable).
8. Liability and disclaimer
8.1 The Parent (you) understands and agrees that all organised sports, activities, clubs, events, trips, and excursions have been risk assessed by Summer School staff and are deemed to meet health & safety requirements. The Summer School does not accept responsibility for death or personal injury, except in cases where its staff have been found to be negligent.
8.2 If you do not wish the Student to partake in any particular activity, you must inform the Summer School in writing at the time of application.
9. Immigration and Data Protection
9.1 Immigration: You must inform the Summer School when returning a completed Application Form if the Student requires sponsorship from the Summer School to obtain a visa to study at the Summer School. It shall be always The Parent’s responsibility to ensure that the Student has the appropriate immigration permission to study at the Summer School in the United Kingdom.
9.2 Data Protection and Privacy: By completing the Application Form and / or agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions You on behalf of yourself and, so far as You are able, on behalf of the Student acknowledge that the Summer School may process such personal information as is deemed necessary for the legitimate purposes of the Summer School. More information about how the College uses your personal data can be found here:
9.3 Publicity: The Parent consents, as far as is required under data protection law to the reasonable use of the Student’s details and achievements, including images or recordings of the Student howsoever made, for promotional purposes, such as social media.