South Kensington Museums Go Virtual
At MPW, our London college is in the heart of South Kensington, an area synonymous with museums. Just a short walk away from our London college are three of the nation’s best-known museums: the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and the V&A.
Despite restrictions during the current pandemic, you can continue exploring these national treasures via virtual tours…
Natural History Museum
The Natural History Museum has a wide range of free virtual tours available:
- Hangout with scientists every Tuesday at 3 pm (GMT), see upcoming interactive talks.
- Listen to Sir David Attenborough’s soothing voice as he guides you through some of the Hintze Hall’s residents, find the audio-guided tours here.
- Using Google Arts & Culture, access 300,000 specimens and zoom in with an interactive gigapixel image of the Hintze Hall ceiling.
- Enjoy a 360-degree tour of the tank room with senior Curator of Fish, take the tour here.
Science Museum
Join the online events offered by the Science Museum:
- Thursday 21 January 2021 – Sir Ian Blatchford in Conversation with Chris Bryant MP
- Thursday 28 January 2021 – Climate Change: Why Should We Care?
- Saturday 13 February 2021 – Earth, But Not As We Know It: Lovelock’s Legacy and Our Future
Keep an eye on all upcoming events at the Science Museum.
Science Museum
Take a behind-the-scenes look at the world-class collections at the V&A:
See all collections at the V&A.
Exploring beyond attractions in South Kensington, Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2,000 leading museums and archives for you to explore from your own home.