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French Trip to Cine Lumiere to see ‘Supremes’

Posted by: Olivier Tarot - 18 October 2023 - Activities & Sports - Read time: 2 minutes

On the 17th of October, 10 French A level students and their French teacher Olivier Tarot had the opportunity to visit the Institut Francais and the Cine Lumiere in the heart of South Kensington at lunchtime, to watch the film ‘Supremes’ (2021).

The film is a French award-winning biopic about an infamous French cult hip-hop duet (Supreme) called NTM. It’s also a story about Paris suburbs, protests, and police brutality, which echo not only the topics of the film studied at A Level but also some of the topics in the curriculum that are still relevant today.

The screening was part of a ‘Set French Day’ for French A Level Students organized by the French Institute. The students found it worthwhile and refreshing to learn in a different environment, and they particularly enjoyed the rap songs as well as the French slang and swear words used profusely in the film! This excursion encouraged the students to see the link between what is learnt in the classroom and its benefits in daily life, and it has sparked an interest in French film and culture for the group.