A Level Religious Studies
Easter Revision Course Dates 2025
Week 1: Monday 7 April – Friday 11 April
Week 2: Monday 14 April – Friday 18 April
Week 3: Monday 21 April – Friday 25 April
(Good Friday is 18 April; Easter Monday is 21 April 2025)
Suitable for all exam boards.
Length of Course
Five full days, 40 hours total.
9.00am to 12.30pm or 1.00pm to 4.30pm daily.
The Religious Studies Easter Revision course is organised as a “mix and match” course to allow students to choose a revision programme that matches their exact requirements. The most popular topics available on the many Religious Studies specifications are listed below and students should select those most relevant for their course of study. In addition to the topics listed below, we can offer a wide range of other RE topics and study skills are also addressed. Developing a line of argument and constructing a convincing essay are some of the areas covered, as well as preparing a thorough revision timetable. Each module will last for one half-day session.
On your registration form, please specify the examining board, module code, title and any other relevant information. This will enable us to draw up an individual timetable for your modules. The maximum number of modules you can take in one week is ten.
Arguments for the Existence of God:
- Topic 1: Argument from Design.
- Topic 2: Cosmological Argument.
- Topic 3: Ontological Argument.
Philosophy of Religion:
- Topic 4: Problem of Evil.
- Topic 5: Religious Language.
- Topic 6: Religious Experience.
- Topic 7: Life after death.
- Topic 8: Utilitarianism and Situation Ethics (applied to issues).
- Topic 9: Natural Law and Virtue Ethics (applied to issues).
- Topic 10: Kant’s deontological ethics (applied to issues).
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