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Extra Tuition

Extra Tuition

MPW offers a broad range of subjects and has a tradition of expertise in intensive, exam-oriented tuition. It is this expertise which forms the basis of our Supplementary Tuition sessions.

Supplementary tuition provides a platform where students can obtain support in whichever area they feel they need it most. As the lessons are one-to-one, students get the full attention of the tutor for each one hour session, which can be designed to solely meet the requirements of that student. Our tutors can provide support with both learning the key content and developing examination technique.

We also believe it is essential that these lessons foster students’ self-confidence and motivation which, in our experience, underpin effective revision during the summer term and strong academic performance in the final examinations.

Our tutors are all highly qualified graduates with considerable teaching experience. Many are GCSE or A level examiners and are therefore attuned to the requirements and approaches demanded by the various examining boards.

Why choose Supplementary Tuition?

With the introduction of linear specifications and their increased difficulty level, it is crucial that students give themselves the best possible chance of obtaining an exceptional grade by working with especially knowledgeable tutors.

Complacency presents itself as a potential problem with external assessment now falling at the end of the second year of study. Our tutors will work with students to ensure that they are consistently working at a high level, so that they are fully prepared in the run up to their examinations, allowing them to avoid any last-minute panic.

Students who choose to come to MPW to study with our tutors on a Supplementary Tuition programme are able to develop their knowledge of the subject, improve their approach to complex questions and ultimately, develop their confidence as they prepare for their final examinations.


Each booked lesson has a duration of one hour. Lessons can take place during the week, depending on student and tutor availability. Most sessions will take place between the after-school hours of 4-6pm. In addition, we also run sessions on a Saturday morning from 9am.  We will work to accommodate any requests that we receive.


Prices per one hour lesson:

Individual lessons          £90

6 or more lessons          £78

Registration & Contact

In order to book a place, the person responsible for fees should complete the online enquiry form.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Moran – via




Phone   0121 454 9637

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