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GCSE French

GCSE French

Dates Available

  • Week 1: Monday 25 March – Friday 29 March
  • Week 2: Monday 1 April – Friday 5 April
  • Week 3: Monday 8 April – Friday 12 April


All boards

Length of Course

20 hours


2pm to 6pm daily

The course offers students the opportunity to revise GCSE topic areas and practise their listening and reading skills in preparation for the two final papers.

A good lexical knowledge is essential in listening and reading tasks. As a consequence, particular attention is given to the revision of key vocabulary related to the topic areas listed below.

Grammar rules are also given consideration insofar as understanding that syntax has an impact on performance in comprehension tasks. Translation practice is also given special attention in the revision sessions.

Students are set past papers on a daily basis, so that they practise their listening and reading skills in exam-style conditions, focusing on the techniques needed to deal with the specific tasks set at GCSE level.

Common topic areas for listening and reading papers:

Out and about
Tourist information and local amenities
Transport and directions

Customer service and transactions
Cafés and restaurants
Dealing with problems

Personal information
General interests and leisure activities
Family and friends

Future plans, education and work
Simple ICT language
Simple job advertisements and applications
School and college
Work experience

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