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IGCSE Business Higher Level

IGCSE Biology Higher Level

Dates Available

  • Week 1: 25 March – 29 March



Length of Course

20 hours


9am – 1pm or 2pm to 6pm daily

This intensive and packed course revises the key themes from the following sections of the IGCSE course and offers intensive practice of the two papers, helping students with the skills required and exam technique.

Each day focuses on one area, with Section 6 spread out over the 5 days.

Content overview

1) Understanding business activity

This section introduces the underlying ideas and concepts of business and includes the purpose and nature of business activity and how businesses can be classified. It discusses why some businesses grow while others remain small.

2) People in business

The focus is the functional area of human resource management; organisation, leadership, recruitment, selection, training and motivation.

3) Marketing

This section includes the role of marketing: market research, analysis and the use of the marketing mix to influence customer decisions.

4) Operations management

The focus is the functional area of production: methods of production, productivity, costs, breakeven, quality and location.

5) Financial information and decisions

This finance and accounting section covers: sources of business finance, cash-flow forecasting, working capital. Simple income statements and statements of financial position are introduced and analysed.

6) External influences on business activity

This section includes government influences, economic, environmental and ethical issues and how they impact on the functional areas of businesses. It also covers the international economy: globalisation and its effects on businesses and governments, multinational businesses and exchange rates. Legal constraints are covered here and in the relevant functional areas above.

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