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GCSE Latin

GCSE Latin

Dates Available

  • Week 1: Monday 25 March – Friday 29 March
  • Week 2: Monday 1 April – Friday 5 April
  • Week 3: Monday 8 April – Friday 12 April



Length of Course

20 hours


9am to 1pm daily

The principal focus is on translation skills, supported by revision of vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction.

Study for the majority of the course is centred upon translating unseen passages of Latin. Students will be tested in detail each day on the passage they have studied the previous day to ensure that they have a full grasp of the syntax, accidence and grammatical structures. The remaining time is given to workshops in which students will be given help, with their set texts and looking at the literature and culture aspect of the course. Again, the emphasis is on translation of the original Latin, but within an overall understanding of these prescribed texts.

Prose Literature B
From Cambridge Latin Anthology: sagae Thessalae lines 1–96, (iuvenis … obtexi) personae non gratae Pythius

Oxford Latin Anthology: Conflict and conquest; Bravery and strategy in battle; Inspiration for the fight, lines 1-37,
(Boudicca … finivit); Marital Conflict

Virgil, Aeneid, 6.295–316, 384–416, 679–712, 752–759, 788–800 (Oxford Classical Text)

The alternative texts can be offered should students require it.

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